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Moore Target Store is One More Step Closer to Reality

February 3, 2010

The Moore American
Peggy Laizure
February 3, 2010

Chris Lundy, manager of public partnerships with the Target corporation addressed city council members Monday night to discuss building a store in Moore.

Lundy asked for a sales tax rebate agreement between the Moore Economic Development Authority and Terry Fritts dba Teddy Bear Partners, LLC, as incentive to cause the development of a Target store on SW 19th Street west of Fritts Boulevard.

The 50/50 rebate will be around $2 million based on actual sales and should be paid in 3-5 years. City Manager Steve Eddy said it would be a good opportunity for Moore.

“If we don’t do this, we will get a 100 percent of nothing instead of 50 percent of 100 percent,” Eddy said.

He also said Targets stores average $30 a year and the other store in Moore “similar to Target makes more than that.”

Lundy said if an agreement is reached, ground would be broken on the 130,000 square foot store in April and should be open for business by April, 2011. He also said that the Moore location is one of only a few new stores that will be built in 2010.

A special meeting will be held 7 p.m. Monday at the council chambers at Moore City Hall to vote on the rebate.

Council members approved the final plat of a 7-Eleven south of SW 4th Street and west of Telephone Road.

A section of NE 18th Street and Broadway Avenue will be rezoned from R-3 general residential district to C-1 office district; and approved the application by Bernard Berk. Elizabeth Jones, director of community development, said the area would be good for a dental office. The lot also will be split.

In other business the council:

· Agreed to solicit bids for the reconstruction of NE 12th Street from Eastern to Bryant avenues as the second part of the G.O. bond project;

· Approved the aerial mapping agreement between Pinnacle Mapping Technologies, Inc. and the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments in the amount of $26,216.40;

· Will establish a seven member Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee;

· Approved a contract with Crafton, Tull, Sparks and Associates in the amount of $19,500 to provide engineering services for the construction of a sidewalk on the south side of NW 12th Street between Janeway and Santa Fe avenues;

· Approved a resolution to submit the NW 12th Street sidewalk construction project to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for consideration and concurrence;

· Rezoned an application by Malibu’s Auto Center allowing the used auto sales of not more than six vehicles at a time;

· Approved the lease agreement with Four Par Properties, LLC for warehouse storage for police operations; and

· Approved a change order to Wiring Solutions in the amount of $10,902.71 for various upgrades to the digital IP video surveillance recording systems at City Hall and Fire Stations 1, 3 and 4.

In his closing remarks, Eddy said he had received many compliments on the snow removable.

“Folks did do an outstanding job on the roadways,” he said.

He also said last Friday’s trash service will be picked up today and asked for patience from residents.